Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wait... What's going on again?

Unfortunately, I've been diagnosed with THHVMSD. Teen hormonal hyper-volatile mood swing disorder. For some reason I'm good, then awful, then great, then terrible, then wonderful, and then horrid. Today I ended up on a great. I will never cease to be confused about this odd thing I fondly call My Life. Monday was a horrible day-- I had the worst ballet class of my life, I was stressed and I was frustrated. I took yesterday off from dance, and went back today a little bit tentatively. But something must have clicked, because today was probably the best ballet class I've had all year. I was just... ON. I remembered the combinations, I balanced easily, I jumped high... I don't know what it was. But I liked it!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! I can't wait until I hear a doctor diagnose somebody with THHVMSD; then I'll know what the heck they're talking about.
