Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Weird spellings.

Obviously I have alot of thoughts that need to pop from my head to my fingers. Why is barbeque spelled that way? Q-U-E doesn't say cue! If it wouldn't totally complicate things uneccesarily I would say we should reinvent the spellings for a buttload of things in English. But then we'd have to abolish Grammar altogether, and that would be more than unthinkable. The lack of grammar in the country is appaling. Seriously. In my college class, writing 122, we're doing peer reviews, right? I need to do that. But anyone, one of the chicks I got put in a group with was writing about how teachers in high school do such an awful job... I believe her, she used there instead of their. Gah. She certainly rests her case! I need to check some serious sources, or just do a survey myself... But I bet only one in ten people you asked on the street to demonstrate correct grammar useage of your and you're, they're, there, and their, and it's and its would pass. Maybe not even that many... It's so sad! And that's it is. I-T-apostrophe-S is ALWAYS it is. It's NEVER possesive. Just a little life tip for you there. And that's there as in the place, not the they are or the possesive. I love grammar. Well, I guess I love being a grammar nazi. I try not to correct other people, but I will if it's bad enough. I apologize in advance. Roar. There I go again. I suppose that was a fragment. But I don't take my nazi-ism that far. Just messing up apostrophes makes me mad. I read a book that compared it to rape. Ahem. That would be Eats, Shoots and Leaves, by Lynne Truss. A good read, that. So that's all that comes to mind. I suppose I'll be back soon. Laters.

1 comment:

  1. Grammar is good! :D I didn't think you got that book in America though...
