Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hey BABE??

I believe I have before mentioned my severe lack of luck. I failed to mention, however, how this un-luck is accompanied by a magnetism to weird and often humorous situations. My rotten luck makes itself known by my almost always making these weird situations worse, but today was an exception. I was up skiing, as I often am. I was heading down a really easy run, on my way to something with more thrill. Two snowboarders had unloaded behind me, and as they began to overtake me I heard one of them say, "Hey babe!" I, being used to crazy snowboarders making passes at me, just glanced over my shoulder and said nothing. The snowboarder then mumbled something about skiing, and being the only one on skis present I again glanced over my shoulder, but was still unable to identify the talker. One of the boarders passed me. He looked, but said nothing. The talker, still behind me, then said distinctly, "Well we'll have to go to Bend." Completely flustered, I turned around, and to my embarassment, saw a middle-aged skier with a cell phone glued to his ear, still mumbling into it. Of course all the ridiculous scenarios that could have occured had I answered sprung to mind. I'll let your imagination take over there.

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