Monday, February 16, 2009

I haven't blogged in SO long!!

So I've had a fantastically, extraordinarily busy weekend. I work in a candy store, and Valentine's day was last weekend... So obviously I had alot to do. It was insanity and I don't think the store has ever been that busy. I worked for four hours on Valentine's day itself, then I went home to get ready to go to my friend's house. I actually spent like an hour chilling out and then showered and spent about five minutes gettting ready... But that's not the point. We had an epic and amazing time. Those stories will have to remain confidential for now. Then after a long church service, frankly the longest I've ever been to, I went back to Cici's house and ate some delicious African pancakes and came home. Then it was so weird, my guy friend texts me to come over to his house. I felt popular, which is a unique experience, considering in high school popularity is usually about what the popular people can do for your image, not whether they're nice and friendly or not. So after that I went home and recovered sleep. Today, however, cancelled out my recovered sleep, I think. I'm making it worse by being up and blogging, but I haven't for like three days and that makes me sad. Anyway, I worked for five hours, which isn't a joke when you're alone and it's busy. It's like speed-walking for five hours. Then I forgot lunch, and went straight to an hour and a half dance class anyway, and died a little bit. Then I went home for the first time that day for about forty-five minutes, ate dinner, and went back to the dance studio. I actually chilled for a bit there. Then I had my hour long tap class, which is a joke, and then went and got my lunch (my free ice cream cone for the day) at work. Good story, eh?

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