Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So I'm freaked out a little bit...

I'm a little bit terrified right now. I cannot live without alot of physical activity. I get moody and grumpy and stiff and sore... I just can't do it. So obviously I'm always go go go, but I'm afraid I might have had a little too much go and not enough rest in between. For the last week or so I've had knee pain, which I've had before but it usually goes away in a few days. Also, yesterday night I had my pointe class, and having not done laundry in a few weeks I wore my only remaining clean tights, which were footless. Well, I didn't have any feet cut off from tights, so I just wore my pointe shoes barefoot. BAD PLAN. For one thing, my toe pads slipped down, which wasn't too bad since they're squishy anyway, but it gets better. The elastic which holds the shoe on my heel was, apparently, far too tight. As were my ribbons. Well on my right foot, which is my sucky foot, by the way, I have this huge ugly bruise on my heel and ankle. There is also a huge bump on my Achilles tendon. Am I just being paranoid, or is that a little... Worrisome? Honestly, the thing I'm afraid of the most right now is getting injured and being told to stop dancing and skiing. That would probably.... Destroy my life.

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