Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Life is like an Analogy

Apparently I'm an analogy person. In my dance life, one of my classmates has often teased me for asking for clarification with the phrase, "So it's like..." with an analogy. I don't mind, because analogies often can lead to interesting and amusing situations, and they help me understand in my unique way. I've been sitting here thinking about growing up, and I realized that it is like skiing. When you first start out, as a beginner, it doesn't matter what gear you have, because most skis feel the same on the smaller hills. Then as you progress, the hills get bigger and more complicated, and you suddenly feel that your skis are holding you back from progressing and being able to take the hills at your skill level and the speed you want. Then you get new skis, putting the old ones in a place of honor. With that, you progress beyond your plateau, and begin improving again. I noticed this in life when my sister moved out. My hero worship of her was all that was holding me back from realizing who I am and who I want to be. I wanted to be a mini Jessie. I still love her and respect her and think she's a wonderful person, but her influence on who I am has been put in a place of honor, and I'm listening to me. Because I know there's a Bethany in me who wants to be Bethany. When my sister moved out last spring term--close to a year ago, now-- I wanted to pursue the same path as her. I had always spent my life monkeying her ambitions and dreams. After she moved out I still went through the motions of wanting to be her. However, when I took writing 121 at the college, I found something out about me. I love to write. I didn't want to be a dancer anymore. I realized that what I wanted to do was to write and teach. This was a huge deviance from my former stolen dreams, but it's what is inside of me. My hero-worship of the girl whose opinion I value so much was all that was holding me back from growing up and becoming who I am. I've passed a maturity plateau. I'm ready to start growing again.

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