Friday, February 20, 2009

"Hey, you with the legs!"

Guys often complain that girls are confusing, and I tend to agree, but I do have one condition. Guys must admit that they themselves are confusing as well. Guys seem, to me, to be either always off in La-la Land, or else all too in touch with reality in a way I haven't realized yet. Maybe it's both. However, I don't think I'll ever understand what the male race thinks they are going to accomplish by yelling or honking at a girl from their car as they drive by. As Jerry Seinfeld said, "Beep Beep! VRROOOMM! *satisfied nodding*... I think I made my point." Is this accurate? Please, gentlemen, tell me. A trusted source told me that when guys engage in these expliots, they're either showing off to the other people in the car, or trying to get the girl to understand that they dig her in the only way they can think of at that short of notice. Well, when he told me that I simply typed in, "Lol," as the only thing I could think of on short notice. They're both equally meaningless expressions. Of course, it can sometimes maybe allegedly make a girls' day when her attractiveness is acknowledged in such a spontaneous way... But if you're trying to accomplish anything, try some other way. That's what I have to say about that. Signing off.

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