Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jungle adventures

Today was an extremely adventuresome day. First, we drove around and played with our turning blinkers. That was only the beginning. After a heated search for a bathroom, we hung out until the guys, meaning Chris and Dad, drove up. Then we turned into ninjas! So we were hiding behind the car, and I almost jumped onto the hood of the other car but decided not to. Then we made our way down behind the first waterfall, and hid from the waterfall spirits in some awesome caves. We found a V.F.D. Read the Slippery Slope. Then we drove for a little ways... And saw another waterfall! We ran down to it because ninjas run because you can't see them as well that way, and then we climbed down to it. Jessie and Chris licked the waterfall. Then we walked downstream a little ways and bushwhacked through the blackberry brambles, and then Chris found some gold! But then the 'rents made us climb out. I found some treasure, but Chris thought it might have HIV on it, so I left it for someone else to find. But then, as we climbed (since ninjas are too awesome to walk) up out of the crevasse the stream was in, we saw a forest gnome village. We pulled out our binoculars and watched them for a while, but they noticed us watching them, and got mad, so they pulled out their bows and poison arrows and we had to run from tree to tree to save our lives! The we found another gorgeous waterfall and stood and absorbed the positive energy to counter-act the negative effects of the forest gnomes' anger. But at the very last waterfall, Chris revealed his true identity! He's Spider-man!

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