Monday, April 20, 2009

Beware, this blog is pissed off.

So I'm taking a big step tonight. I'm skipping my tap class. This is only the second or third class I've missed this year, and both of those were because of because of my being sick. No, tonight I am in perfect health. The reason I am skipping is because my tap teacher has, for the last few weeks, brought in a gentleman to help us create some rhythms. Said man is probably late-twenties or mid-thirties, appears to work in landscaping, is unmarried, ungroomed, and totally useless. He is the son of a woman who's been dancing at the studio forever, but that does not make him qualified to sit in a dance class full of girls in dance clothes, which are usually tight and small. Apparently he's a musician of sorts. Plays the drums and all that. However, I cannot stand to hear him tell us what to do anymore. Knowing how to create rhythm with your hands relates so very little to creating rhythms with your feet. I don't care if he can shuffle his feet around like a baboon while he keeps a steady rhythm with his hands. None of the above things qualify him to coreograph a tap dance or help teach a tap class or look at my legs. I can always catch up next week.

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