Monday, April 20, 2009


This has been a bit of an eventful school year for me in terms of writing. First, when I enrolled in Writing 121, I learned how not to have a thesis statement, since in writing your thesis is the idea that holds everything together. This was reinforced winter term in Writing 122. Then spring term, this term, I had something of an upheaval. In Writing 123, I'm still working with the thesis as the idea that holds everything together, but in Speech 111, which I spent all weekend in, the thesis is not only the idea that holds everything together, but it has to be clearly stated at the beginning of your speech. I found out on Saturday, in my 9-4 speech class, that I not only rock from heel to heel when I speak, poking my hip out, I also speak like a writer. The first speech I gave I got marked down for awkward stance, not having a clear thesis statement, and reading too much. Then the second speech I gave, I still got marked down for awkward stance... I rocked from hip to hip again. But I did alright on the thesis, not reading, and everything else. So I guess I've got a good prof... I learned alot. But then that is also a matter of willpower.

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