Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Trio

I, as many of you probably already know, am generally a kind and loving person. There are few things that satisfy me more than making other people contented.

That's why I work in a coffee shop.

But that's not the point. The point is there are very few people in the world who I cannot appreciate at some level.

However, I have identified and classified the three sorts of people who I have a very hard time tolerating for any amount of time, and cannot stand any sort of discourse with.

1) The Vapid.
Vapid –adjective
lacking or having lost life, sharpness, or flavor; insipid; flat: vapid tea.

I cannot carry on conversation with people who have nothing to say. Small talk, and I mean small as in small-minded, I am very bad at indeed. The Vapid tend to be long-winded, and rarely let others say anything to direct the conversation to a more edifying topic.

I despise boring conversation when the other participant thinks it isn't boring.

2) The Arrogant.
Arrogant –adjective
making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud: an arrogant public official.

Arrogance and vapidity go hand-in-hand more often than is right-- and when they do, it's the most unfortunate marriage. Not only does a person have nothing interesting to say, but they think they know more about any topic than you, even if they obviously don't.

The arrogant also tend to be unaware of other people, and how their words may affect others. They often assume that you WANT to hear what they have to say, even if it's about you.

3) The Attention-Addicted.
No definition is required for this category.

Everyone knows at least one attention hog. They're usually the extremely extroverted, living and breathing other people-- however, when other people don't want to be lived and breathed, they get pretty annoying.

Basically, everyone who I have ever known who I haven't gotten along with has fallen into one or more of these categories. I could spend time trying to understand and like people who match the descriptions, but I think I would end up in a straight-jacket somewhere giggling and crying to myself quietly.

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