Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ice cream and its ramifications

Jealously can manifest itself in many different forms, most of these very ugly and damaging. However, you can often judge a person's character by how they react to jealousy. Most people get nasty. My tap teacher, Nancy, does not. During a brief hiatus between ballet classes, I was standing outside the windowed door with a McDonalds ice cream cone, which was, incedentally, a waste of money. After giving instructions to the girls in the current class, Nancy came over to the CD player, which was by the door, to start the music. She glanced out at me, and did a massive double take. Her jaw dropped, and she looked at my ice cream in horror. I've never seen someone look so reproachful. Nancy then turned to the class, and in a most amusingly jealous manner, complained to the class, "Bethany is standing out there with an ice cream cone!" Hilarity ensued. I, being the only one in the lobby, laughed so hard the director and office person must have both thought I was insane. Nancy gave my ice cream one last longing look, and closed the blinds on the door. So, although I've always known Nancy was a good person deep down inside, her embodiment of jealousy has confirmed what I've never suspected. Jealousy does not have to be nasty.

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