Monday, June 28, 2010

Feathered friends or foes?

Well, greetings ladies and gentlemen! Hold onto your hats, because I've got some pretty sensational news!
I, the girl who used to cower in terror at flocks of birds, wince back from caged birds, and refuse to go into aviaries, have adopted a cockatiel.
Please pick yourselves up from your shocked faints.
I have been working up to this point for many a month now. My dear friend is quite in love with those of the avian genus, and frequenting her habitat has gotten me rather used to the feathered creatures.
After visiting a pet store and being charmed by the colors and varieties of birds, I began considering purchasing one of my own and fully conquering one of the mundane things I was terrified of.
Well, Cedar texted me about a week ago (and granted, I was on Vicodin due to wisdom teeth removal so I was more than a little loopy) and told me she had located a cockatiel who needed a home immediately. I had expressed my interest in a bird to her earlier in the week, so I was disposed to the idea of rescuing an abused avian.
So I did.
So far, I have neither been pecked, had my eyes gouged out, nor had my head dive-bombed. None of my worst fears have come true, which is fantastic. Obviously my fears were ridiculously irrational.
I've come a long way since I wrote this post.

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