Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Morning person?

I have always thought I am a night owl. I enjoy staying up late doing productive things like art or just whiling away the hours on the internet.

I have never liked waking up. But I also dislike going to sleep. I just hate the wasted hours necessary to human function.

However, with my recent acquisition of a job at the coolest coffee shop ever, I have been compelled to rethink my sleeping/waking habits.

When one wakes up at 4:30, one wakes up into a cold, dark house, where no-one else is up, there's no hot water, and one must sneak around to avoid waking the others in the house who are dreaming so blissfully.

But when one wakes up at 4:30, one gets to witness the day slowly come to life. One gets an extension on their day. One gets to hang out in a cozy and warm coffee shop that one works in that is actually much warmer than one's house.

I have decided that I dislike sleep in theory, but I do love it in practice-- I'm only human.

I love being awake. I love witnessing a day unfold. But I also love witnessing a day wind down.

I guess I'm just confused.

(Picture from Hyperbole and a Half)

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